Willow and jewellery development
As mentioned in a previous blog, my Jewel-Withy project is made up of five chapters and the first is willow. Withy pots are named after the willow tree branch known as a Withy.
A variety of willow commonly used by Withy pot makers, is called Salix Triandra or Black-Maul. It is very flexible, produces good rod lengths and is tough enough to withstand the sea. There are other varieties of willow also used which I plan to study also.
I purchased three little Black-Maul willow cuttings in the hope that they would survive in pots, as we haven't got a very large garden and I have heard horror stories about willow tree roots damaging houses! So far they seem to be thriving, so we are safe! Unless as stated in Wikipedia, “in English folklore, a willow tree is believed to be quite sinister, capable of uprooting itself....” !!

Photo taken by Anna of a Black Maul cutting.

Black Maul tree leaves have beautiful serrated edges and also brightly coloured delicate catkins in the spring.

You may have noticed a few new willow inspired rings in my shop already :) I will be adding to this collection throughout the period of the project. I will also be sharing little sneak previews of show pieces which I will be launching at the exhibition next year! I plan for them all to derive from the willow tree and for each show piece to evolve as I research each chapter :)

Thanks for reading my blog :)
We could grow lots of big willows at the woods. Where can the saplings be bought and how much are they? Daddy Xx